World History
  Ms. Huvelle
First Day of School - August 3, 2009:

Letter of Introduction

For centuries, when people formally presented themselves to someone for the first time, they may have brought a letter of introduction written by a common friend or someone of importance in the community they came from. 

I shall ask you to write your own letter of introduction to me during the first 10 minutes of class, and then I will share mine with you.  If time does not allow you to complete your letter, and I have stamped the unfinished portion of it, you may take it home to finish and hand in to me tomorrow.  If I receive it later than that, you will not receive all the points possible for it. 

These are the things I expect you to include in your letter:
Who are you?
Where are you from?
Your education:  Where have you gone to school? 
What have your favorite subjects or academic experiences
Your character? 
What values do you embody and demonstrate?
What do you respect about others?
What are your educational goals?  (The next 3 years & beyond.)
What are your life goals?  (In 5 years;10 years; 20 years.)
What are your intentions this school year?
What are your expectations of this class; Ms. Huvelle; yourself?
How will you contribute to this class to enrich it for everyone?

Please write legibly: neatness counts.

(10 points)